Webex online meeting in June 2-4, Migration Planning Workshop for Spanish Db2 z/OS users.
For an invite/registration please contact Manuel Gomez Burriel - SpDUG - mgomez@spdug.org
Db2 12 for z/OS Migration Planning Workshop focuses on how you can quickly upgrade to Db2 12 and take advantage of Continuous Delivery of new functions and features related with System, zHW, Application Development safely and securely. We will also provide information and overviews of how the success of Db2 for z/OS Version 12 into production can be achieved. It will talk about some key important areas which are essential to the success and what the avoidable pitfalls may be. The workshop will provide the right information, facts, and guidance for Db2 12 migration strategy.
- help customers that are planning to upgrade to Db2 12 or are already on Db2 12. This workshop will level set right expectations of Db2 12 Migration Planning and will also provide some real customer feedback and advice on how to avoid pitfalls.
- provide knowledge and IBM Best Practices in areas like Continuous Delivery, APPLCOMPAT in conjunction with Function Levels, Utilities in general Access Paths and many other areas. and which are proven by real customer experiences,
What you will learn?
- Beside the important key migration strategies you will understand the new world of continues delivery.
- You also will gain technical overview of new Db2 12 for z/OS functions and features. These will include performance enhancements for traditional workloads, enhancements for modern workloads, application enablement enhancements, reliability, availability, scalability and security.
Benefits of Attending the Workshop
- This workshop will help you understand how to safely migrate your enterprise so you are enabled to reap cost savings and business benefits by upgrading to Db2 12.
- The guidance and direction captured will help customers gain competitive advantages ensuring effective migration, avoiding pit fails with less risk.
- You will gain insight about archiving business insight, better performance, and operational efficiency with less cost.
Target Audience
Target audience and experience level: DBAs, Db2 Managers, Db2 System programmers. The experience at the levels of beginner, intermediate and advanced are welcome.
Tue, Jun 2 (9:30am-12pm)
Continuous Delivery
Wed, Jun 3 (9:30am-12pm)
DBA Enhancements
Performance (part 1)
Thu, Jun 4 (9:30am-12pm)
Performance (part 2)
Enabling new applications
Data Sharing
Conclusion / Q&A
Registration form available at http://l.spdug.org/odsform