Wednesday, June 2, 2021 (1)

Jun 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
  • STLDUG, WDUG, MWDUG, Twin Cities, Omaha Db2 Users Groups

  • Jun 2, 2021 from 8:30am to 1:00pm
  • Location: Web
  • Description:

    8:30A - 8:45A

    IDUG News

    Tom Glaser, MasterCard

    Zeljen Stanic, IDUG

    8:45A - 9:00A

    An Overview of the IBM Community

    Doug Moran, IBM

    9:00A - 10:00A

    Db2 for Z/OS Development SWAT:    Db2 Function Levels

    Anthony Ciabattoni, IBM

    10:00A - 11:00A

    Are you happy or are you still deprecated?

    Roy Boxwell, Segus

    11:00A – 12:00P

    Db2 for z/OS & DevOps, Database-as-a-Service comes to the Enterprise

    Paul Bartak, Rocket

    12:00P - 01:00P

    Db2 for z/OS Ultra High Performance and Tuning

    Dan Luksetich, DL Consulting

  • Created by: Tom Glaser