Tuesday, March 2, 2021 (2)

Mar 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
  • Multi Db2 LUW User Group Meeting for Q1/2021

  • Mar 2, 2021 at 8:45am to Mar 3, 2021 at 11:00am
  • Location: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/837823253
  • Description:

    Agenda for March 2:

    Time (CST)

    Db2 for z/OS & LUW Topics


    8:50A - 9:00A

    Introduction for the STLDUG, WDUG, MWDUG, MINN session

    Shelley Mizerak

    9:00A - 10:00A

    The Power of the SQL Rewrite

    Tony Andrews, Themis

    10:00A - 11:00A

    Tuning SQL that Still Works

    Sheryl Larsen, BMC


    Agenda for March 3:

    Time (CST)

    Db2 for LUW Topics


    8:50A - 9:00A

    Introduction for the STLDUG, WDUG, MWDUG, MINN session

    Shelley Mizerak

    9:00A - 10:00A

    Db2 Problem Determination & Debugging

    Pavel Sustr, IBM

    10:00A – 11:00A

    Should Yo

  • Created by: Tom Glaser
  • Multi Db2 z/OS User Group Meeting for Q1/2021

  • Mar 2, 2021 from 8:45am to 12:00pm
  • Location: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/166667277
  • Description:

    St. Louis, Wisconsin, Minnesota Twin Cities, Midwest, Omaha Db2 z/OS User Groups Meeting

    Time (CST)

    Db2 for z/OS Topics


    8:50A - 9:00A

    Introduction for the STLDUG, WDUG, MWDUG, Twin Cities, Omaha

    Tom Glaser, Mastercard

    9:00A - 10:00A

    The Power of SQL Rewrite

    Tony Andrews, Themis

    10:00A - 11:00A

    Tuning SQL that Still Works

    Sheryl Larsen, BMC

    11:00A – 12:00P

    OpenShift for Z

    Elton Desouza, IBM

    12:00P - 01:00P

    Db2 Function Levels

    Anthony Ciabattoni, IBM



    Db2 z/OS User Group Meetin

  • Created by: Tom Glaser