Monday, June 5, 2017 (2)

Jun 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
  • Central Canada DB2 IMS Users Group

  • Jun 5, 2017 to Jun 6, 2017
  • Location: Bank of Montreal - Institute for Learning
  • Description:

    This annual 2-day event will be at our usual location at the BMO IFL at Victoria Park & Steeles.

    We encourage all to attend IDUG in Anaheim CA If you can't make, our event offers an affordable alternative. We offer 2 days of education  and 3 tracks of speakers at an affordable price. We have a grea venue with the best conference food anywhere. 

    There is a reception with vendor participation on Monday following the last session.

  • Created by: Martin Hubel
  • IBM DB2 for z/OS Master Class

  • Jun 5, 2017 to Jun 9, 2017
  • Location: Silicon Valley Lab
  • Description:

    DB2 for z/OS development is offering a week-long DB2 for z/OS Master Class led by Distinguished Engineer, John Campbell and Executive IT Specialist, Florence Dubois, for advanced DB2 for z/OS system and database administrators clients. This is a client-only course.
    Clients who take part in this Master Class will be able to participate in the following:

    • Small class size
    • Mentoring sessions - partner with SWAT team members
    • Meet the SVL team
    • Networking

    There will only be two (2) offerings of the DB2 for z

  • Created by: Tom Crocker