Tuesday, April 1, 2014 (1)

Apr 1, 2014
April 1, 2014
  • SQLAdria seminar Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Apr 1, 2014 all day
  • Location: Central Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Description:

    Don't miss SQLAdria seminar in Ljubljana with Jan Man from IBM Silicon Valley Lab.

    - Overview about XMLQuery, XMLExists, XMLCast , XQuery, XMLTABLE, XMLModify
    - XML parsing, publishing and XML schema validation
    - Demo using XML in DB2 for z/OS
    - XML Best Practices for Application Developers
    - XML Update for DB2 11 for z/OS

    User topic with Bernard Zver, Informatika d.d.
    - DB2 Admin Stored Procedures

    Location: Central Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Registration and more info: http

  • Created by: Mateja Jankovič