IDUG DB2 Tech Seminar in Bangalore, India 2013
Complimentary - Limited Places so REGISTER to SECURE your PLACE
As part of the 25th Anniversary of IDUG and the 30th Anniversary of IBM's DB2 software, we are pleased to offer a 1 day Complementary Technical Seminar for the first time in India.
This special event will have 2 of IBM's top Distinguished Engineers, Chris Crone and Matt Huras from the Silicon Valley and Toronto labs respectively, as guest speakers during the day.
This is an unique opportunity for all DB2 professionals in Bangalore and the rest of India to gain valuable in depth technical training at NO CHARGE.
There are limited places so book your place to avoid disappointment.
The event will be held at the Vivanta by Taj Hotel in Bangalore on the 20th of March 2013.
Details on the DB2 for z/OS Track
Session 1 DB2 Trends & Direction (DB2 10 & Beyond)
DB2 10 for z/OS - Where we are today, and where we are going. This session will take you through the latest with DB2 10. What functions are customers finding most valuable, what are the latest enhancements, and what is the current status of DB2 10 in the marketplace. We will also take you through the latest on DB2 11, the status of the ESP, and also touch on some industry trends that are influencing the enhancements that we are planning for DB2 in the future.
Speaker Chris Crone - IBM Distinguished Engineer - IBM Silicon Valley
In this session we will discuss the business critical requirements for analytics that organizations now need to support to more effectively use their information to gain advantage over their competition. We will compare traditional analytic approaches with the advantages of a zEnterprise hybrid solution using DB2 for z/OS. You will get a high level view of the end to end zEnterprise analytics solution from data warehousing to business intelligence to predictive analytics and gain a stronger understanding of how zEnterprise can deliver unprecedented mixed workload flexibility and virtualization while providing the most options for cost effective standardization/consolidation.
Session 3. DB2 10 for z/OS: Performance Best Practices
Speaker: - Pallavi Priyadarshini - IBM India
Best Practices for Accessing IBM DB2 z/OS with High Availability
Here is a proposed abstract -
This session will describe the technologies that need to be deployed to ensure
the highest availability for application servers accessing a DB2 data sharing
group. Only implementing bits and pieces exposes applications to outages due
to a member failure or a member slow down. If configured correctly, application
servers will fully utilize the availability and scalability aspects of Parallel Sysplex.
Presentation will also cover best practices and new availability features that are delivered in DB2 z/OS server and the latest DB2 Connect drivers.
Session 4 :- Achieving Access Path Stability - Chris Crone IBM
Query performance degradation caused by access path change is a top challenge for the DBA. DB2 9 and DB2 10 offer some useful features to help stabilize access paths. This presentation will guide you through the information you need to take advantage of this new DB2 function - to manage, compare, and reuse access paths.
Session 5 - DB2 Migration Planning and Best Practises
We will share tips to help facilitate your migration, with planning information about migrating to DB2 10 for z/OS from either DB2 9 or DB2 Version 8. You’ll learn some surprising facts, pitfalls to avoid and lessons learned from those who have migrated before you, such as enabling fast start.
Please ensure you register via the IDUG website