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Get a sneak preview into what around the corner in the World of Db2, and get a head-start for planning your migration to Db2 VNext. This is an event you do not want to miss!
BM Db2 for z/OS is investing for leadership in the AI, cloud, and analytics era, extending our Z platform heritage of 24x7 availability, security, scalability & performance, while simplifying & modernizing to maintain Db2 as a top choice for next-gen IT professionals without requiring deep Z skills. This webcast will provide guidance on how to ensure that you get a head-start and are ready to upgrade to Db2 Vnext
Title: The What, the How, and the Why of functional levels and its benefits.
Cris Molaro IBM Gold Consultant will follow John Lyle, Cris will share client feedback and experiences from Db2 for z/OS customers that have adopted Continuous Delivery model and have activated Function Level 510 or planning to activate. He will cover the key features, advantages and benefits of activating Function level 510 and how organisations are getting value from applying this new model.
Followed by Live Q&A with all our presenters
This is webcast will be hosted at 11:00AM EST Save your place today