Do more with less", Part 2 - Introducing use cases : Time: 19:00 CST (Central Summer Time, Europa)
18:00 (London Summer time)
1pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Saving, Time, New York time)
What would you like to do with all static and dynamic SQL collected, not only the dirty dozen, with nearly no overhead 24/7/365 and stored compressed in an SQL Workload Warehouse?
Using a graphical presentation layer integrated either in Eclipse native, Data Studio, or Rational.
Overview of about 20 customer ideas and short description followed by voting on which use cases should be chosen for the next “deep dive” webinar.
45-60 minutes from SOFTWARE ENGINEERING and SEGUS labs.
Overview of 8 selected use cases from about 20:
1 | Application workload analysis – which machine load is produced by a certain application |
2 | Trending of Applications: Compare of CPU, I/O, execution rates, current KPIs and deltas – calculated and summarized to the costs of several apps |
3 | Object Quiet Times for maintenance (REORG) |
4 | Audit (Parallel user access etc.) |
5 | Never used objects (Plans, Collections, Packages, Tables, MQTs, VIEWs and Indexes) |
11 | SQL WLX KPIs - Background noise and exceptions |
13 | Long Delay detection |
17 | REORG Detector & Suppressor |
Introductory webinar (short reminder):
Do more with less part 1 introduced the enhancements provided by DB2 10 to find all your “dirty dozen” static and dynamic SQL in your applications 24/7 in an easy to use way without resource consuming DB2 monitoring and tracing.
View the webinar recording
Speaker biography:
Roy Boxwell has more than 26 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 21 of those in DB2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant and contributor on the IDUG DB2 Listserv and sends out a monthly DB2 newsletter.