Audience members may arrive 15 minutes in advance of this time.
No one ever said being a Db2 for z/OS database administrator in 2018 was going to be easy. The amount and complexity of data has increased with the data management tasks you're asked to perform on a 24x7 basis.
The IBM Db2 Administration Tool is evolving and being enhanced to reflect both industry and system changing needs. If you're a user of the IBM Db2 Administration Tool, you'll learn about recent enhancements, many of them requested by you and delivered by IBM. If you are not a current user, join the session to see why more and more companies are embracing the Db2 Administration Tool as their go-to-solution for solving today's data management challenges.
Target Audience:
Db2 IT Professionals including: Database Administrators, Application Developers/Administrators, System Programmers
Richard Schaufuss
IBM Db2 Tools Advocate