"IBM DB2 Business Partners, come join us for a BP Summit on Sunday, November 15, from 1:00 to 5:00 at the Meeting Room #18, Doubletree by Hilton Burlington in Dublin, Ireland. We will have interesting and valuable discussions with IBMer's and Partners on the following topics:
- IBM Core Database initiatives and direction for partners
- Hear from our partners:
- Successful Sales tactics around the world for DB2 and Analytics
- Cross Sell and Up sell opportunities - What is working
- Q4 Promotions and Incentives (Some examples, among others)
- Bridge to Cloud
- Win Against
- Big Data Analytics with Linux on Power
- Network for service opportunities
- Q&A
If you are an IBM business partner, you won't want to miss these open and frank discussions. We look forward to seeing you on the day prior to the premier IDUG DB2 Tech Conf. in Dublin Ireland." If you plan to attend, please RSVP gproctor@us.ibm.com.
Please distribute to other interested IBM Partners.