Join us on October 10th to hear all of the latest news about the IBM z Analytics Portfolio. The development and lab teams have been incredibly busy with tons of exciting announcements covering Db2 for z/OS, and the Db2 Tools & Utilities. We will also highlight something very special for the Db2 Analytics Accelerator, which continues to bring unprecedented analytics capabilities to the mainframe. We will debut more innovation with QMF analytics and reporting. IBM will be announcing new breakthrough capabilities in the data virtualization space. Finally, we will cover the revolutionary Machine Learning solution which is redefining what's possible with transactional scoring and analytics. Join us for this packed summary of new capabilities that can help your data & analytics requirements.
Jeff Josten - Db2 for z/OS Chief Architect - IBM Distinguished Engineer
Udo Hertz - Director of Analytics Development Boeblingen
Steve Mink - Worldwide z System Analytics Client Success
Sam Buhler - Machine Learning Product/Offering Manager