Past Events (1057)

Date range
January 28, 2010
  • DB2 for z/OS: Survive the turbulent times by reducing costs and improving performance

  • Jan 28, 2010 all day
  • Location: Washington
  • Description: Attend our free technical education seminars on DB2® 9 for z/OS® and learn how an upgrade can help address demands for more database capacity and cost-cutting capabilities. Even the most common-sense upgrades can’t get in the way of continuous access to data capacity. But if you wait too long to upgrade, you may find yourself facing new business requirements before your systems are ready to deal with emerging demands. Understand the steps to a successful upgrade, and you’re much more likely to
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
January 26, 2010
  • Hints and tips to get the most out of IBM DB2 9 for z/OS

  • Jan 26, 2010 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Virtual Event - 11 EST
  • Description: With IT budgets shrinking, every shop is facing the same challenge of keeping a lid on risk, and yet demonstrating how IT delivers real business value to the enterprise. Because companies rely on data to drive their businesses, databases are at the center of this challenge. DB2® 9 for z/OS® can play a major role in helping you respond to business challenges, and drive innovation via application development to differentiate and create a sustainable competitive advantage. Join us for this complim
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
December 1, 2009
  • DB2 for z/OS Optimizing INSERT Performance

  • Dec 1, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: This is a web event with live Q&A
  • Description: High volume concurrent insert processing is critical for many applications to be able to meet business and technical throughput requirements. It is the ultimate performance challenge for any DBMS and for the application designer. This teleconference will introduce and discuss typical performance issues and concerns, design considerations, tuning recommendations, and capacity planning for data inserts operations in DB2 for z/OS. There are some significant new features in DB2 9 for z/OS, which can
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
November 11, 2009
  • Data Governance on System z

  • Nov 11, 2009 all day
  • Location: Edinburgh
  • Description: Join Triton & IBM in November for a special event covering Data Governance for z/OS. Places are complimentary but limited so book yours today! Data Governance is a hot industry buzz word at the moment. In this upcoming event we take a look behind the jargon and explore the key areas of governance that are affecting organisations and how, by utilising their existing system z infrastructure, they can meet these challenges. We're proud to bring you a top list of industry expert speakers who will
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
November 10, 2009
  • Data Governance on System z

  • Nov 10, 2009 all day
  • Location: IBM Southbank
  • Description: Join Triton & IBM in November for a special event covering Data Governance for z/OS. Places are complimentary but limited so book yours today! Data Governance is a hot industry buzz word at the moment. In this upcoming event we take a look behind the jargon and explore the key areas of governance that are affecting organisations and how, by utilising their existing system z infrastructure, they can meet these challenges. We're proud to bring you a top list of industry expert speakers who will
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
November 3, 2009
  • DB2 X for z/OS Technical Preview - Reduce CPU and Stay One step ahead !

  • Nov 3, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: On-line
  • Description: DB2 X has a lot for everyone. Your organization needs to lower operating costs thru CPU cycle reductions while still building a strong foundation for SOA and XML initiatives. Database Administrators (DBAs) will find improved database performance, scalability, and availability. Memory management is dramatically reduced, so growth is much simpler. DBAs also get more flexible security to help with regulatory compliance. A wide range of enhancements improve ERP application and data warehouse functio
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
October 25, 2009
  • Information On Demand 2009

  • Oct 25, 2009 to Oct 29, 2009
  • Location: Mandalay Bay
  • Description: Information on Demand has more System z content than any other event! With more than 70 technical sessions, 11 three-hour hands-on-labs, and countless opportunities to meet with IBM experts and fellow System z users, the DB2 for z/OS and Tools track provides you with the knowledge to grow and develop your company's skills and stay ahead of the game! Every business is striving to compete and differentiate—learn how the latest DB2 for z/OS technology not only helps you reduce downtime and acceler
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
October 6, 2009
  • How to set up application server to access DB2 z/OS with high availability

  • Oct 6, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: 11 AM - EST
  • Description: Every IT shop wants to achieve continuous service availability – it’s a hallmark of customer satisfaction for all your users, from internal customers to business partners. One way to enable that is by increasing capacity to allow greater application throughput. But adding new capacity is not always an option, which leaves you to maximize capacity within your existing IT investments. DB2® for z/OS® data sharing is well-acknowledged by industry experts for providing the highest availability, and
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
October 5, 2009
  • IDUG 2009 - Europe

  • Oct 5, 2009 to Oct 8, 2009
  • Location: Rome Marriott Park Hotel
  • Description: IDUG is proud to announce the location of IDUG 2009 - Europe: Rome, Italy!IDUG 2009 - EuropeConference: 5 -8 October 2009One-Day Seminars: 9 October 2009Rome Marriott Park HotelRome, ItalyMark Your DiaryRome, Italy, will be home to the IDUG 2009 - Europe conference. Mark your diary now for 5 - 9 October as IDUG brings its prestigious DB2 educational and networking opportunities to the beautiful Rome Marriott Park Hotel. Check back often as more details become available.Call for PresentationsIDUG
  • Created by: Aurora Dellanno
September 29, 2009
  • Data Governance and System z - your key to Business Optimization

  • Sep 29, 2009 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Location: Virtual (Webcast)
  • Description: Join me and Merv Adrian (independent analyst) for this upcoming webcast. 11:00 EST ,16:00 GMTThe pressure’s on and it’s staying on. The usage, sharing and processing of electronic data continues to rapidly increase yet many corporations still complain about being data rich but information poor. C level execs are just not confident with the quality of information being used to support the decision making process. Set against this backdrop CEOs are facing increasing pressure and focus to comply wi
  • Created by: Mark Simmonds
  • DB2 for z/OS - Technology Update

  • Sep 29, 2009 all day
  • Location: IBM South Bank
  • Description: This free technology update is a great opportunity to learn about the technology advancements in the latest version of DB2 and how to get the most from your investment in System z. We’ll also look at modernising your enterprise with Rational Toolset. The seminar will feature and examine the benefits of DB2 9 for zO/S plus tips and techniques for migration. Technical details and demos are specifically tailored for two audiences Register Now More Information - Agenda
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
September 17, 2009
  • Leveraging System z for Information on Demand with DB2

  • Sep 17, 2009 all day
  • Location: IBM 1615 Commerce Parkway, Bloomington
  • Description: Learn how to take greater advantage of your System z® platform at this one-day event. Data. It's the engine that drives your business. But too much of it can become a major roadblock. You need to be able to control and manage your data so that it can be accessed and shared by modern workloads. Whether you use DB2 or IMS technology, upgrading is not an option. It's a necessity. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards offered by the latest technological enhancements run
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
September 15, 2009
  • DB2 Aktuell 2009 in Münster

  • Sep 15, 2009 to Sep 16, 2009
  • Location: Mövenpick Hotel Münster 48149 Münster
  • Description: Um ständig den aktuellen Trends und Entwicklungen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden, werden auch unsere DB2 Systeme ständig aktualisiert und mit neuen Funktionen und Features ausgestattet. Dieses Symposium bietet ihnen eine hervorragende Plattform, um sich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen zu informieren, in die fachliche Tiefe einzutauchen oder auch einfach einmal über den Tellerrand zu schauen. Experten zum Anfassen! Neben fachlich hochkarätigen Vorträgen bietet Ihnen diese Konferenz einen dir
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
September 10, 2009
  • Leveraging System z for Information on Demand with DB2

  • Sep 10, 2009 all day
  • Location: New York
  • Description: Learn how to take greater advantage of your System z® platform at this one-day event. Data. It's the engine that drives your business. But too much of it can become a major roadblock. You need to be able to control and manage your data so that it can be accessed and shared by modern workloads. Whether you use DB2 or IMS technology, upgrading is not an option. It's a necessity. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards offered by the latest technological enhancements ru
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
September 1, 2009
  • SQL tuning: the necessity, the benefits, a business case

  • Sep 1, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Web Event - 11 EST Available on replay
  • Description: This teleconference will show you a REAL LIFE business case. It proves the importance of SQL tuning. It will explain how the project was started. What techniques and strategy were used? How follow up was done, what investments where made and what the return on investment was. The results were beyond expectations, resulting in HUGE SAVINGS from the start. Whether you are a DBA or a manager, this presentation will show you how you can save money in your company in times of economical difficulties.
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
  • Leveraging System z for Information on Demand with DB2

  • Sep 1, 2009 all day
  • Location: IBM Omaha, NE
  • Description: Learn how to take greater advantage of your System z® platform at this one-day event. Data. It's the engine that drives your business. But too much of it can become a major roadblock. You need to be able to control and manage your data so that it can be accessed and shared by modern workloads. Whether you use DB2 or IMS technology, upgrading is not an option. It's a necessity. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards offered by the latest technological enhancements ru
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
August 20, 2009
  • Free Local Seminar - DB2 for z/OS – Reduce Costs and Improve Performance

  • Aug 20, 2009 from 8:30am to 4:45pm
  • Location: IBM Corporation
  • Description: Free 1 day Seminar - limited places !Attend our free technical seminars to learn about the ongoing value of IBM DB2 software for the mainframe when you migrate to the latest versions. DB2® has served your business well for many years, even decades, but the market is continually moving forward. Are you prepared to move with it? Your technology should be able to address emerging business requirements such as stringent security and compliance demands, more virtual storage and continuous access to n
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
August 4, 2009
  • PCI DSS Compliance – Stay on Top! System z and DB2, Meeting the 12 Requirements, Safe, Secure and Cost Effectively

  • Aug 4, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Virtual event
  • Description: The rate at which we collect, store and process data continues to rapidly increase. Global communications make the world smaller and businesses more efficient as more and more information is processed electronically. But there is down side. From 1997 to 2007 credit card-related fraud grew from $1.46 billion to $5.49 billion, according to industry reports.. To defend against these attacks, a consortium of credit card companies worked together to develop the Payment Card Industry Data Security Sta
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh